"Every Child is an artist. The problem is to remain an artist once he grows up." -- Picasso

Monday, April 21, 2014


Pen & Ink on Standard Stock, Colored Digitally
Original Creation Date: Apr 15 2014, Final Completion Date: Apr 21 2014

The Rocket Raccoon piece, in all its digitally-painted glory. Ever since I drew this one, deep down I knew I just
wouldn't be satisfied until I took it to full color. Over the past few days I've been grabbing snippets of spare time
to attack this, one multiply-blended layer at a time. Overall I'm pretty satisfied with the results, but after
playing the colorist on the job, I can certainly admit there's a few things I would have gone back and
changed during the inking phase.

But, I guess as a wise artist once said, each finished painting is its own lesson.

A production screenshot, somewhere around the completion of the figure.